
Small Square Milk Bread Pave For Your Kid

Delight your child with deceptively simple, joyfully complex, small square milk bread pave. Let's examine the intricate craftsmanship found within culinary artistry.

Elements required for this Culinary Sonata

Edible components:

  • Strong Flour … 200g

  • Light Flour … 40g

  • Sugar …30g

  • Salt …3g

  • Instant Dry Yeast…3g

  • Milk…170g

  • Condensed Milk … 10g

  • Unsalted Butter …30g

  • Milk (for topping)…1 teaspoon

  • Honey (for topping)…1 teaspoon

Non-Edible Companions:

  • Weighing Scale

  • Mixing Bowl

  • Whisk

  • Pastry Board

  • Dredge

  • Rolling Pin

  • Silpat

  • Plastic Wrap

  • Brush

  • Cake Cooler

Preparatory Measures

  • Modify the Unsalted Butter's Architecture: Deconstruct it into 2-3cm cubes and allow it to adopt ambient temperature.

  • Alchemize the Milk's Thermal State: Mildly warm the milk to match your body's temperature. (*Note for sub-tropical chefs: Your hot summers create a special exemption, cold milk will suffice.)

  • Elixir blending: Combine milk and condensed milk into a uniform solution.

  • Proactive Thermal Regulation: Preheat your oven to 190℃.

Crafting your Bread Pave Masterpiece:

  1. Initiate your journey by blending all elements, ranging from strong flour to dry yeast into a bowl. Let a symphony of mixing harmonize every ingredient.

  2. Infuse the cohesive milk and condensed milk blend into the mixture, followed by a session of mixing and kneading.

  3. Once the concoction is devoid of floury particles, invite butter for another kneading party.

  4. Post-kneading, introduce the post-kneading concept of 'me time.' Cover and let it bask in a warm ambiance. Rising time is their quality time.

  5. When the outcome of 'me time' is an expanded dough reaching 1.5 to 2 times its original size, break the party, and primary fermentation is complete.

  6. Release the risen dough and set it free to resemble a 16 x 36 cm rectangle.

  7. Embrace a folding technique along the longer side—fold in thirds, akin to folding a letter.

  8. Now allow your dough child to chill. Cover with plastic wrap and transport it to the refrigerator for approximately an hour.

  9. Post chill session, liberate the dough from its plastic cover and begin its partition into eighteen equivalent sections.

  10. Arrange these pieces [smooth side facing upwards] on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  11. Develop a honey-milk glaze and give a generous brushing on the dough's surface—return the dough to its warm sanctuary for another round of rising.

  12. When the dough appears fluffed up & content, secondary fermentation is accomplished. Celebrate this achievement by giving another coat of honey-milk glaze.

  13. The grand finale awaits inside a preheated oven at 190℃. A concise span of 10 minutes is all it takes for baking.

Contingency Plan:

  • Should you face an uncooperative sticky dough, encourage it with a light shower of strong flour.

  • Steps 8-9: Observe its behavior during chilly ferme-behavior it expands, apply gentle pressure with your hand to enforce shape before partitioning it.

  • Crave for clean, sharp corners? Here's a pro tip: Try trimming and molding your dough before diving into 18 equal parts. (Don’t discard trimmed portions - you can turn them into charming little round bread.)

Customisation Station:

Sesame Pave Modification: Add 30g black sesame seeds in Step 3—just before it's kneading time.

Cocoa Pave Upgrade: Add 20g of cocoa in Step 1, but also remember to increase milk by 10g in Step 2 (totaling 180g).

Study the cotta column pave guide and uncover more about crafting small square milk breads. Dive deeper into the detailed critical points and other possible paving arrangements.
